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a Prince Bishop
siehe: Pinco
PINCO and William of Calais
after the Rush to the North
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William 44 William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham, fl. 1086

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Author: SDB
Editorial Status: 2 of 5

Discussion of the name

Im Domesday Book steht, dass sich Eudo und Pinco Gebiete teilten; Eudo als Tenent-in-chief, und Pinco unter dem Bischöfen von Durham. 1086 war das Walcher, 1072 William. und da finde ich wenig ...

If there is an abbrevation in the cited literature, maybee the following convention of shortening may help:

PINCO - id est Pinceon, the Dapifer

Die Bischöfe von Durham1

≡ mehr
Let us focus upon those tenants who held within the domain of St Cuthbert, the Bishop of Durham2 . The Bishop of Durham's fee was assessed as owing the service of ten knights. For an ecclesiastical honour of this size this was an exceptionally light servitium debitum and the excess enfeoffment on the Bishop's estates amounted to over sixty knights• fees.3 The 1166 carta records the names of thirty-one individuals holding by knight service in the land between the Tyne and the Tees and in North Durham.
The quantity of service owed by the members of this group ranged from that of five knights to that of a fractional fee held for a tenth part of a knight's service4 . In total the tenants of Haliwerfolc and lorth Durham owed the service of 44 and 13/15 knights.
The majority, twenty-one out of a total of thirty-one tenants owed the service of at least one knight. "..It is possible to classify the tenants of St Cuthbert according to the quantity of knight-service which they owed. Three nearly equal divisions emerge when the group as a whole is categorised into those who owe the service of more than one knight, those who owe the service of a single knight and, finally, those who held land for a fraction of a knight's service. Fractions occur other than in the last of these groups. For example, the tenant of one estate owed the service of 'two and two parts of a knight' [ ii et ii partis [sic] unius!, and another the service of one and a half knights 5.
In the first of these groups, Division I, ten individuals owe the service of thirty knights, or two thirds of the total knight-service owed by the tenants of the domain of St Cuthbert 6. Within this group itself a further tenurial hierarchy is discernible. Two individuals, Robert de Amundeville and the son of Bertram de Bulmer held estates for which they owed the service of five knights each and together they were responsible for a third of the total service rendered by Division I. Four tenants, Roger de Conyers, William de Vescy, William fi tz Osbert and Roman de Heltone, held fees owing three knight's service or 40 per cent of the total. Finally, Thomas fitz William, Elias Escolland, Roger de Aud.rey and Geoffrey fitz Richard owed the service of one and a half knights or more, about 27 per cent of the total.
Eleven individuals make up the second division, each owing the service of a single knight, about 25 per cent of the total 7 .
Division III represents those who held land for a fraction of a knight's service, an obligation probably acquitted by a money payment. A group of ten tenants owed the service of three and thirteen fifteenths of a knight, or about nine per cent of the total 8.
Finally, the third division contains the greatest number of de novo enfeoffments9.
But note! In the footnotes you can see, that in the groups two and three the same families are to be seen, differing only in the way, their names were scribed.
1 William Morton Aird, , PhD., The Origins and Development of the Church of St Cuthbert, 635-1153, with special reference to Durham in the period circa 1071-1153. University of Edinburgh.1991. p xxxff ; Excerpts desribe the Existence of one Pinceon. Pinco held his lands from the Bishop of Durham. The coincidence is frappand.
2 For the Bishop of Durham's estates in Lincolnshire, see The Lincolnshire Domesday and the Lindsey Survey, eds. C. W. Foster and T. Longley, (Lincolnshire Record Soc. , 19, 1924). The Yorkshire fee of the Bishop of Durham is in EYC, II, nos. 918-1000, pp. 256-324.
3 H.M. Chew, English Ecclesiastical Tenants-in-Chief, pp. 19, 21, 32, 33. By comparison, Lincoln, Winchester and Canterbury owed a servicium debitum of 60 knights, Worcester 50, Norwich 40 and London 20. See the table produced by Helena Chew, p. 19.
4 Robert de Amundeville and the son of Bertram de Bulmer held fees for which they owed the service of five knights each in 1166. Gilbert camerarius had been enfeoffed de novo with a tenth part of one knight's fee. RB, pp. 417, 418.
5 Elyas de Eschaulande, ii militum et ii ..... partis unius; Galfridus filius Ricardi, i militis et dimidii, RB, p. 417.
6 The fees of Roger de Conyers, William de Vescy, Robert de Amundeville, the son of Bertram de Bulmer, William fitz Osbert, Thomas fitz William, Roman de Hylton, Elias Escolland, Roger de Audre, and Geoffrey fitz Richard.
7 Adam de Musters, Hugh fitz Pinceon, William de Fishburn, William of Hepden, Roger of Eppleton, Ralph of Worcester, Henry de Papedy, Stephen de Bulmer, Geoffrey fitz Humphrey, Hugh Burel and Richard de Scialis.
8 Geoffrey de Torpe, Ralph Haget, the son of Luke de Kevelane, Odo de Brembe, the son of Ilger de Burdon, Robert de Capella, Gilbert de la Leia, Gilbert Camerarius, John Pincerna and Ralph fitz Robert.
9 (ie) fees of Robert de Capella, Gilbert de la Leie, Gilbert Camerarius, John Pincerna, Ralph fitz Richard.

Konzentrieren wir uns auf die Pächter, die innerhalb der Domäne von St. Cuthbert, dem Bischof von Durham2 Land besaßen.
Die Gebühr des Bischofs von Durham wurde so bemessen, dass er den Dienst von nur zehn Rittern schuldete. Für eine kirchliche Lehe dieser Größe war dies ein außergewöhnlich geringes servitium debitum, und die überschüssige Belehnung auf den Ländereien des Bischofs belief sich auf über sechzig Rittergebühren.3 Die Carta von 1166 verzeichnet die Namen von einunddreißig Personen, die im Land zwischen Tyne und Tees und in Nord-Durham einen Ritterdienst hatten.
Die Menge des Dienstes, den die Mitglieder dieser Gruppe schuldeten, reichte von dem von fünf Rittern bis zu dem einer Bruchteils, die für einen Zehntel eines Ritterdienstes gehalten wurde4 . Insgesamt schuldeten die Pächter von Haliwerfolc und lorth Durham den Dienst von 44 und 13/15 Rittern.
Die Mehrheit, einundzwanzig von insgesamt einunddreißig Pächtern, schuldete den Dienst mindestens eines Ritters. "Es ist möglich, die Pächter von St. Cuthbert nach der Menge der Ritterdienste, die sie schuldeten, zu klassifizieren. Es ergeben sich drei fast gleich große Unterteilungen, wenn man die Gruppe als Ganzes in diejenigen, die den Dienst von mehr als einem Ritter schulden, diejenigen, die den Dienst eines einzelnen Ritters schulden und schließlich diejenigen, die Land für einen Bruchteil eines Ritterdienstes besaßen, kategorisiert... Zum Beispiel schuldete der Pächter eines Anwesens den Dienst von 'zwei und zwei Teilen eines Ritters' [ ii et ii partis [sic] unius!, und ein anderer den Dienst von eineinhalb Rittern 5.
In der ersten dieser Gruppen, Abteilung I, schulden zehn Personen den Dienst von dreißig Rittern, also zwei Drittel des gesamten Ritterdienstes, den die Pächter der Domäne St. Cuthbert 6 schulden. Innerhalb dieser Gruppe selbst ist eine weitere Besitzhierarchie zu erkennen. Zwei Personen, Robert de Amundeville und der Sohn von Bertram de Bulmer, besaßen Güter, für die sie den Dienst von jeweils fünf Rittern schuldeten, und zusammen waren sie für ein Drittel des gesamten Dienstes der Abteilung I verantwortlich. Vier Pächter, Roger de Conyers, William de Vescy, William fitz Osbert und Roman de Heltone, besaßen Feuden, für die sie den Dienst von drei Rittern oder 40 Prozent der Gesamtsumme schuldeten. Schließlich schuldeten Thomas fitz William, Elias Escolland, Roger de Audrey und Geoffrey fitz Richard den Dienst von eineinhalb Rittern oder mehr, etwa 27 Prozent der Gesamtsumme.
Elf Individuen bilden die zweite Abteilung, die jeweils den Dienst eines einzigen Ritters schulden, etwa 25 Prozent der Gesamtzahl 7. (Diese Barone mussten ca. 5 Hiden besitzen)
Abteilung III repräsentiert diejenigen, die Land für einen Bruchteil des Dienstes eines Ritters besaßen, eine Verpflichtung, die wahrscheinlich durch eine Geldzahlung abgegolten wurde. Eine Gruppe von Pächtern schuldete den Dienst von drei und dreizehn Fünfzehnteln eines Ritters, also etwa neun Prozent der Gesamtzahl 8. Aber Achtung! In den Fußnoten können Sie sehen, dass in den Gruppen zwei und drei die gleichen Familien zu sehen sind, die sich nur in der Art und Weise unterscheiden, wie ihre Namen geschrieben wurden.
Übersetzt mit (kostenlose Version)

Hugh Pinceon1

Hugh Pinceon

Andreas Pinceon, the steward of Rannulf Flambard held a large estate of the Bishop of Durham in Lincolnshire 2. His son, Hugh, inherited the office together with the fee which was augmented by Bishop Rannulf in the early 1120s 3. At its greatest extent the estate of Hugh fitz Pinceon was held for the service of ten knights. Despite the fact that the greater part of his holdings were in Lincolnshire, Hugh took an active part in the affairs of Durham including a leading role in the upheavals which followed the death of Bishop Geoffrey Rufus 4.
The crisis which accompanied the attempt by William Cumin to seize the episcopal throne of Durham provides an illustration of the honorial baronage of St Cuthbert acting as a body against an unwanted intruder.
The leaders of the resistance to Cumin were named by the continuator of Symeon' s Historia Dunelmensis Ecclesiae as Bertram de Bulmer, Geoffrey Escolland, Robert de Amundeville and Roger de Conyers 5. Roger de Conyers' resistance was conducted from his fortified residence at Bishopton. After the election of William of Ste Barbe to the bishopric of Durham, Hugh fitz Pinceon decided to throw in his lot with Cumin betraying Ansketil of Worcester into the intruder's custody. After delivering the castle of Thornley to the intruder, Hugh had struck a bargain with Cumin which was to be sealed by the marriage of Hugh' s daughter and Cumin' s nephew 6.
It was at this stage that Cumin captured and held for ransom Robert de Amundeville. After a successful attack on Cumin' s forces at Merrington by Roger de Conyers, Geoffrey Escolland and Bertram de Bulmer, the usurper was forced to come to terms with his opponents. In the face of the concerted opposition of the powerful honorial baronage of the see of Durham, William Cumin was obliged to withdraw from the bishopric and abandon his attempt to secure the episcopal throne 7.
1 William Morton Aird, , PhD., The Origins and Development of the Church of St Cuthbert, 635-1153, with special reference to Durham in the period circa 1071-1153. University of Edinburgh.1991. p 299ff ; Excerpts desribe the Existence of one Pinceon. Pinco held his lands from the Bishop of Durham. The coincidence is frappand.
2 Andreas i[d estl Pinceon dap[ifer], LVD, f. 47v. For his fees in Lincolnshire: see Lindsey Survey pp. 248, 253-55, 257. See DEC, p. 98 and p. 2 for the suggestion that he was the heir of Ealdgyth who was granted the estates of Thornley and Wingate. If this was the case then Hugh fitz Pinceon represents another Northumbrian family which retained a position of influence within the Patrimony of St Cuthbert.
3 DC Durham, 2.3.3. Finch. 61 [DEC1 no. 221 p. 97].
4 See below ...
5 HDE, Cont. Pri~, I, p. 158.
6 HDE, Cont. Pri~, I, p. 150. A matte, possibly marking the site of Roger de Conyers fortification survives, see aerial photograph of the site in N. McCord, Durham History from the Air, [Durham County Local History Soc. (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 1971), p. 16.
7 Hugh fitz Pinceon's treachery is described in HDE, Cont. Pri~, pp. 156-7. He captured Robert de Amundeville and betrayed the castle of Thornley whilst Cumin and his nephew held the upper hand, [p. 157]. See A. Young, 'William Cumin; Border Politics and the Bishopric of Durham 1141-44' , University of York, Borthwick Institute of Historical Research, Paper no. 54).

Hugh Pinceon

Andreas Pinceon, der Verwalter von Rannulf Flambard, besaß einen großen Besitz des Bischofs von Durham in Lincolnshire 2. Sein Sohn, Hugh, erbte das Amt zusammen mit der Gebühr (fee), die von Bischof Rannulf in den frühen 1120er Jahren vergrößert wurde 3. In seiner größten Ausdehnung wurde das Anwesen von Hugh fitz Pinceon für den Dienst von zehn Rittern gehalten. Trotz der Tatsache, dass der größte Teil seines Besitzes in Lincolnshire lag, nahm Hugh aktiv an den Angelegenheiten von Durham teil, einschließlich einer führenden Rolle in den Umwälzungen, die auf den Tod von Bischof Geoffrey Rufus folgten 4.
Die Krise, die den Versuch von William Cumin begleitete, den bischöflichen Thron von Durham zu erobern, ist ein Beispiel dafür, wie das ehrenvolle Baronat von St. Cuthbert als Gemeinschaft gegen einen unerwünschten Eindringling agierte.
Die Anführer des Widerstands gegen Cumin wurden vom Fortsetzer der Historia Dunelmensis Ecclesiae von Symeon als Bertram de Bulmer, Geoffrey Escolland, Robert de Amundeville und Roger de Conyers 5 genannt. Roger de Conyers' Widerstand wurde von seiner befestigten Residenz in Bishopton aus geführt. Nach der Wahl von William of Ste Barbe zum Bischof von Durham beschloss Hugh fitz Pinceon, sein Glück mit Cumin zu versuchen, indem er Ansketil von Worcester in die Obhut des Eindringlings verriet. Nachdem er die Burg Thornley an den Eindringling übergeben hatte, schloss Hugh mit Cumin einen Vertrag,
der durch die Heirat von Hughs Tochter und Cumins Neffen besiegelt werden sollte 6. Zu diesem Zeitpunkt nahm Cumin Robert de Amundeville gefangen und hielt ihn gegen Lösegeld fest. Nach einem erfolgreichen Angriff auf Cumins Truppen bei Merrington durch Roger de Conyers, Geoffrey Escolland und Bertram de Bulmer war der Usurpator gezwungen, sich mit seinen Gegnern zu arrangieren. Angesichts der konzertierten Opposition der mächtigen honorigen Baronie des Bischofssitzes von Durham war William Cumin gezwungen, sich aus dem Bistum zurückzuziehen und seinen Versuch aufzugeben, den bischöflichen Thron zu erlangen7 . Übersetzt mit (kostenlose Version)

Properties of the Bishop of Durham

Shire Phil. ref. Vill TIC DB Spelling Holder 1066 Lord 1066 Tenant-in-Chief 1086 1086 subtenant Fiscal value 1066 value 1086 value TIC ID conf. Show on map
Bedfordshire 5,1 Millow unnamed canons of Waltham - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 4.50 3.00 2.00 - Map
Bedfordshire 5,2 Arlesey unnamed canons of Waltham - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 8.16 8.00 7.00 - Map
Berkshire 4,1 White Waltham Wulfwine the canon Harold, earl William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 3.00 3.00 5.00 - Map
Essex 7,1 Waltham Holy Cross Harold, earl - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 40.00 36.00 100.00 - Map
Essex 7,1 Waltham 2 sokemen Harold, earl William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 6.00 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,4 Blyborough Redhulf 'of Blyborough' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 0.88 1.00 1.50 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,13 Kirby on Bain Harold, earl - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 1.25 5.00 5.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,14 Martin Harold, earl - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 1.50 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,14 Martin Harold, earl - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 0.00 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,15 Tattershall Thorpe Harold, earl - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 2.00 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,15 Tattershall Thorpe Harold, earl - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 0.00 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,18 Grainthorpe - Esbern William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 0.56 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,19 Little Grimsby - Esbern William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 0.25 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,21 Mavis Enderby and Raithby near Spilsby Alnoth 'of East Keal' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 0.56 0.50 0.50 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,22 Spilsby, Eresby in Spilsby, Thorpe St Peter Eskil 'of Spilsby' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 6.00 1.00 1.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,22 Spilsby, Eresby in Spilsby, Thorpe St Peter 5 sokemen Eskil 'of Spilsby' William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 0.00 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,23 Grebby and East Keal Eskil 'of Spilsby' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 2.00 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,23 Grebby and East Keal 12 sokemen Eskil 'of Spilsby' William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 0.00 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,24 Hundleby Eskil 'of Spilsby' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 0.03 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,25 East Keal Alnoth 'of East Keal' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 0.75 0.50 0.50 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,26 Toynton All Saints or St Peter Alnoth 'of East Keal' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 0.25 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,26 Toynton All Saints or St Peter 1 sokeman Alnoth 'of East Keal' William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 0.25 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,32 Newton Wulfric the wild - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 0.44 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,37 Silk Willoughby Thorfridh 'of Lincolnshire' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 1.56 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,38 Kirky la Thorpe Thorfridh 'of Lincolnshire' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 1.56 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,39 Aylesby 3 sokemen Habeinn 'of Aylesby' William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 0.00 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,41 Biscathorpe Godric 'of Biscathorpe' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 1.00 1.00 1.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,41 Biscathorpe 2 brothers - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 2.00 2.00 2.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,42 Tattershall Thorpe Godwine 'of Tattershall Thorpe' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 0.31 1.50 0.83 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,42 Tattershall Thorpe Gunnwati 'of Tattershall Thorpe' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 0.31 1.50 0.83 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,43 Scremby Fenkell 'of Scremby' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 1.00 2.00 1.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,44 Ashby by Partney Fenkell 'of Scremby' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 1.00 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,45 Scremby Fenkell 'of Scremby' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 2.00 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,46 Addlethorpe Fenkell 'of Scremby' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 0.75 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,46 Addlethorpe 1 sokeman Fenkell 'of Scremby' William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 0.00 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,52 Sloothby Thorir son of Roald - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 0.50 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,53 Fulletby Siward, father of Aki - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 1.88 2.00 2.50 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,53 Fulletby Eadric 'of Fulletby' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 1.88 2.00 2.50 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,54 Oxcombe and Worlaby near Tetford Siward, father of Aki - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 0.75 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,54 Oxcombe and Worlaby near Tetford Eadric 'of Fulletby' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 0.75 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,55 Threekingham Siward, father of Aki - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 0.31 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,55 Threekingham Eadric 'of Threekingham' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 0.31 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,56 Threekingham - - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 0.00 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire CS15 Mablethorpe Berthor 'of Mablethorpe' Harold, earl William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 0.13 0.00 0.00 - Map
Northamptonshire 3,1 Horn Langfer 'of Horn' Edward, king William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 2.00 4.00 4.00 - Map
Yorkshire 3Y1 Welton Morcar, earl - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 18.00 20.00 13.00 - Map
Yorkshire 3Y2 Lund near Beverley Morcar, earl - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 12.00 0.00 0.00 - Map
Yorkshire 3Y4 Howden Edward, king - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 86.50 40.00 12.00 - Map
Yorkshire 3Y5 Belby Muli 'of Belby' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 1.75 1.00 0.00 - Map
Yorkshire 3Y6 Riccall Edward, king - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 1.00 0.00 0.00 - Map
Yorkshire 3Y7 Newton in Cherry Burton Basinc 'of Newton in Cherry Burton' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 1.00 6.00 0.00 - Map
Yorkshire 3Y10 Crayke Æthelwine, bishop of Durham - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 6.00 2.00 1.00 - Map
Yorkshire 3Y11 Sessay Æthelwine, bishop of Durham - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 5.00 3.00 1.00 - Map
Yorkshire 3Y12 Horebodebi Æthelwine, bishop of Durham - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 3.00 0.00 0.00 - Map
Yorkshire 3Y13 Knayton Æthelwine, bishop of Durham - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 4.00 1.00 1.00 - Map
Yorkshire 3Y14 Foxton Æthelwine, bishop of Durham - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 2.00 0.00 0.00 - Map
Yorkshire 3Y15 Brompton near Northallerton Æthelwine, bishop of Durham - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 14.00 2.00 0.00 - Map
Yorkshire 3Y16 Girsby Æthelwine, bishop of Durham - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 6.00 0.50 0.00 - Map
Yorkshire 3Y17 Deighton near Welbury Æthelwine, bishop of Durham - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 6.00 1.00 0.00 - Map
Yorkshire 3Y18 Winton Æthelwine, bishop of Durham - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham - 6.00 1.50 0.00 - Map
Total               270.63 152.00 165.16    

Tenant-in-Chief 1086 subtenanted estates

Shire Phil. ref. Vill TIC DB Spelling Holder 1066 Lord 1066 Tenant-in-Chief 1086 1086 subtenant Fiscal value 1066 value 1086 value TIC ID conf. Show on map
Lincolnshire 3,1 Brattleby Stiupi 'of Brattleby' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Colswein 'of Lincoln' 0.63 0.15 0.20 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,2 Snarlford Siward, father of Aki - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Colswein 'of Lincoln' 2.25 1.00 1.50 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,3 Barlings Dane 'of Barlings' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Colswein 'of Lincoln' 1.13 0.80 1.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,5 Brocklesby Godwine 'of Brocklesby' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Nigel 'the man of William, bishop of Durham' 1.00 2.00 0.50 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,6 Fulstow Healfdene 'of Fulstow' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Walbert 'of Wold Newton' 0.63 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,6 Fulstow Almær 'of Fulstow' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Walbert 'of Wold Newton' 0.63 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,7 Wold Newton Grimkil 'of Wold Newton' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Walbert 'of Wold Newton' 1.38 5.00 1.50 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,8 Bullington Ælfric 'of Worlaby' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Nigel 'the man of William, bishop of Durham' 0.44 1.00 0.50 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,9 Hardwick in Panton Ælfric 'of Worlaby' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Nigel 'the man of William, bishop of Durham' 0.25 0.50 0.15 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,10 Langton by Wragby Ælfric 'of Worlaby' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Nigel 'the man of William, bishop of Durham' 0.38 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,11 Wispington Ælfric 'of Worlaby' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Nigel 'the man of William, bishop of Durham' 2.00 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,11 Wispington 9 sokemen Ælfric 'of Worlaby' William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Nigel 'the man of William, bishop of Durham' 0.00 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,12 Waddingworth Ælfric 'of Worlaby' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Nigel 'the man of William, bishop of Durham' 6.00 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,12 Waddingworth 20 sokemen Ælfric 'of Worlaby' William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Nigel 'the man of William, bishop of Durham' 0.00 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,16 Covenham St Mary Esbern 'of Covenham St Mary' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham unnamed monks of Saint-Calais 2.50 3.00 4.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,17 Skidbrooke Esbern 'of Covenham St Mary' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham unnamed monks of Saint-Calais 0.88 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,20 Fotherby Summerled 'of South Cadeby' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Thurstan 'the man of Bishop William de Saint-Calais' 0.44 2.00 0.50 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,20 Fotherby Arnkil 'of Fotherby' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Thurstan 'the man of Bishop William de Saint-Calais' 0.44 2.00 0.50 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,27 Keddington Harold 'of Keddington' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Thurstan 'the man of Bishop William de Saint-Calais' 0.59 1.00 1.50 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,27 Keddington Arthor 'of Keddington' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Thurstan 'the man of Bishop William de Saint-Calais' 0.59 1.00 1.50 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,28 Saltfleetby - Harold, earl William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Thurstan 'the man of Bishop William de Saint-Calais' 0.06 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,28 Saltfleetby - Arthor 'of Keddington' William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Thurstan 'the man of Bishop William de Saint-Calais' 0.06 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,29 Saltfleetby - Harold, earl William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Thurstan 'the man of Bishop William de Saint-Calais' 0.06 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,29 Saltfleetby - Arthor 'of Keddington' William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Thurstan 'the man of Bishop William de Saint-Calais' 0.06 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,30 Cockerington - Harold, earl William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Thurstan 'the man of Bishop William de Saint-Calais' 0.03 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,30 Cockerington - Arthor 'of Keddington' William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Thurstan 'the man of Bishop William de Saint-Calais' 0.03 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,31 Gonerby Morcar, earl - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Lambert 'of Gonerby' 1.50 2.00 2.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,33 Pickworth Swein 'of Pickworth' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Jocelin fitzLambert 0.81 1.00 1.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,33 Pickworth Agemund 'of Pickworth' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Jocelin fitzLambert 0.81 1.00 1.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,34 Braceby - Swein 'of Pickworth' William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Jocelin fitzLambert 0.50 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,34 Braceby - Agemund William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Jocelin fitzLambert 0.50 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,35 Kelby Aslak 'of Aisby' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Alnoth 'of Kelby' 2.13 1.20 2.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,35 Kelby Beorhtric 'of Kelby' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Alnoth 'of Kelby' 2.13 1.20 2.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,35 Kelby Arnkil 'of Kelby' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Alnoth 'of Kelby' 2.13 1.20 2.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,36 Evedon Thorfridh 'of Lincolnshire' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Colswein 'of Lincoln' 2.50 4.00 1.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,37 Silk Willoughby 15 sokemen Thorfridh 'of Lincolnshire' William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Alnoth 'of Kelby' 0.00 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,39 Aylesby Habeinn 'of Aylesby' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Nigel 'the man of William, bishop of Durham' 0.75 2.00 1.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,40 West Ravendale Grimkil 'of Wold Newton' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Walbert 'of Wold Newton' 0.25 1.00 0.25 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,47 Wainfleet 3 brothers - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Bondi 'of Wainfleet' 0.94 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,48 South Cadeby Summerled 'of South Cadeby' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Thurstan 'the man of Bishop William de Saint-Calais' 0.28 0.50 0.45 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,48 South Cadeby Osgot 'of Welton le Wold' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Thurstan 'the man of Bishop William de Saint-Calais' 0.28 0.50 0.45 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,49 Welton le Wold Summerled 'of South Cadeby' Summerled William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Thurstan 'the man of Bishop William de Saint-Calais' 0.50 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,49 Welton le Wold Osgot 'of Welton le Wold' Osgot William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Thurstan 'the man of Bishop William de Saint-Calais' 0.50 0.00 0.00 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,50 Haugh and Calceby Healfdene 'of Haugh' - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham William 'of Haugh and Calceby' 0.25 0.50 0.50 - Map
Lincolnshire 3,51 Bonthorpe Thorir son of Roald - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Nigel 'the man of William, bishop of Durham' 1.00 3.00 3.00 - Map
Yorkshire 3Y3 Persene in Scorborough Æthelwine, bishop of Durham - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham William de Percy 0.75 0.00 0.00 - Map
Yorkshire 3Y8 Holme on the Wolds Æthelwine, bishop of Durham - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Nigel 'the man of William, bishop of Durham' 12.00 0.00 0.00 - Map
Yorkshire 3Y9 Hutton Conyers and Howgrave Æthelwine, bishop of Durham - William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham Robert 'of Hutton Conyers' 14.00 10.00 2.50 - Map
Total               66.97 48.55 32.50    

Subtenant in 1086

Shire Phil. ref. Vill Subtenant DB Spelling Holder 1066 Lord 1066 Tenant-in-Chief 1086 1086 subtenant Fiscal value 1066 value 1086 value Subtenant ID conf. Show on map
Yorkshire C2 York Æthelwine, bishop of Durham - William, king William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham 0.00 0.00 0.00 - Map
Yorkshire C2 York - - William, king William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham 0.00 0.00 0.00 - Map
Yorkshire C2 York Uhtræd son of Thorkil of Cleveland - William, king William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham 0.00 0.00 0.00 - Map
Yorkshire C2 York Earnwine the priest - William, king William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham 0.00 0.00 0.00 - Map
Yorkshire 6N142 Howgrave Æthelwine, bishop of Durham - Alan, count William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham 2.00 0.00 0.00 - Map
Yorkshire 6N143 Sutton Howgrave Flotmann 'of Laverton' - Alan, count William de Saint-Calais, bishop of Durham 4.00 1.00 0.40 - Map
Total               6.00 1.00 0.40    
